Connecting to the IX Swap App

Connecting via Mobile

  1. Download your preferred wallet's app (Trust, Coinbase, MetaMask), on your mobile device.

  2. For this example, we'll be using MetaMask.

  3. Open your MetaMask app, and head to 'Browser'. It should be the compass icon to the right.

  4. Copy-paste this into the browser's URL:

  5. Continue to KYC if you haven't. If you have, you should now be able to access the IX Swap app.

Once done, you should be able to access the IXS app.‍

Connecting via Desktop

  1. On the IX Swap website, click the 'Launch App' button, located in the top most right corner.

  2. It should prompt you to login into your wallet, or MetaMask account.

  3. Continue to KYC if you haven't. If you have, you should now be able to access the IX Swap app.

Last updated