Liquidity Provision
Providing liquidity allows you to earn fees while supporting the seamless trading of real-world asset (RWA) tokens. When you add liquidity, you receive pool tokens that represent your share of the pool, automatically generating rewards based on trading activity.
How to Become a Liquidity Provider
1️⃣ Access the IXS Platform
Launch the app: IXS Liquidity Pools
Connect your MetaMask or WalletConnect Web3 wallet.
2️⃣ Navigate to Liquidity Pools
Click the "Pools" tab.
Click "Add Liquidity" to begin.
3️⃣ Select Your RWA Token & Deposit Amount
Choose the RWA token you want to add to the pool.
Enter the amount you wish to contribute.
4️⃣ Approve & Supply Liquidity
Click "Approve" to grant access to your wrapped token.
Click "Confirm" to finalize the approval.
Click "Supply" and then "Confirm Supply" to proceed.
Approve the final confirmation in your MetaMask pop-up message.
5️⃣ Risk Mitigation Indicator
A green “M” on the right side indicates that Risk Mitigation is enabled for the pool.
Once added, your liquidity position will automatically earn fees, and you can redeem your share at any time.
Last updated